Veridican Gospel of Jesus Christ

Veridican Argument for the Existence of God

Other Arguments for the Existence of God

About Edward Gordon




I. God

God is the fundamental monistic entity, creator of the universe in all its dimensions, father of souls, the definition of life, the author of truth.

II. Jesus Christ

We assert that Jesus Christ was the eternal Son of God living on Earth as a physical man. He was born of the Virgin Mary and crucified under Pontius Pilate. He rose from the dead three days later and ascended to the right hand of Glory to be with our Father in heaven. He will come again to judge the living and the dead and rule the new heaven and earth.

III. Human Purpose

The human purpose is to become Christ. We do not become Jesus Christ but are reborn into the substance of Christ to carry out our own unique purpose on the Earth using the talents God has endowed us with.

IV. The Eucharist

We believe that during our ritual of eating bread and drinking wine, our faith transforms the bread into the actual body of Christ and the wine into the actual blood of Christ. We call this the Veridican Eucharist. Our spirit is nourished by it, and ultimately, we are transformed into Christ as a result of it. All salvation and atonement are accomplished by this ritual.

V. The Church

Veridicans are the elect of God who follow only the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in our canon. We do not follow any other person or scriptures. We are necessarily the true bride of Christ, and He is our only way, our only truth, and our only life. The Veridican Church, therefore, serves as a place where we come together to support one another in faith, wisdom, and in partaking of the Eucharist. For we know that where any two of us are gathered, there Jesus Christ, our King, the risen Son of the living God, will be in the midst of us.

VI. The Canon

The Veridican Church recognizes the following texts as our canon of scripture: The Gospel of Matthew, The Gospel of Mark, The Gospel of Luke, The Gospel of John, and the book of Revelation (King James Version of 1611, and the New International Version, 1984 ed.), The Gospel of Thomas (Meyer and Bloom, 1992 ed.), and The Veridican Gospel of Jesus Christ (by Edward J. Gordon).

VII. Eschatology

We believe the Church Age has ended and the tribulation has begun. We hold that the world has entered the tribulation period and that Christ is proceeding through the opening of the seven seals.

The Veridican Church of the Divine in Christ is formed to prepare for the imminent end of civilization, the rise of the antichrist, and the battle between Jesus Christ and the beast. We believe we will join with Christ in that great battle, whether from heaven or earth, and reign with Him as priests in His Millennial kingdom because we are His elect.

As a singular body of the true bride of Christ, we follow His command to watch and wait for His return. We use our spiritual strengths, our powers of discernment, and our understanding of the prophecy in the book of Revelation to prepare ourselves for that coming day.

VIII. Spiritual Gifts

In the spirit of the Magi who first found and protected their king, Jesus Christ, the Veridican Church endorses the practice and perfection of the following spiritual gifts: prophecy and divination, astral visions and visitation, astrological analysis, dream interpretation, faith healing, angel communication, exorcism, and the working of miracles.

IX. Moral Principles

1. Abide by the commands that God gives to you.
2. Follow the teachings of Christ to the best of your understanding.
3. Treat all animals with compassion.
4. Partake in the Eucharist.
5. Support the Veridican Church.
6. Follow natural law.

Br. Edward J. Gordon



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